How to Place an eFiling Order for Subsequent Cases
On the provided login page, type in your email, password and click on the ”Login” button.
Please note: We recommend using any modern browser for the best experience.
Step 1
- Once you are logged into the customer portal, click on ”Place an Order.”
Step 2
- In the “What would you like us to do?” field, select “eFiling.”
Step 3
- Select a county in the “Select County” section and choose “Subsequent Filing.”
- Click on “Next.”
- Note for OC eFiling only: If this is the first time you are eFiling with us, you will be required to click on “Click Here” and verify and/or obtain your Orange County Court Identification number for eFiling.
- When the “Add Attorney/Firm Information” box appears, add the Attorney/Firm Information and click on “Save.”
- You may also have the option to eServe the opposing counsel by clicking “Yes” on the option
“eServe Case Participants.”
Step 4
- Type in the Case Number and click on “Search” to access the Orange County database.
- Note: When typing in the case number, it must be exactly what the OC Court has on record. Please ensure that you include the dashes and letters for the case to be found.
- Click on “Next.”
Step 5
- Verify that your firm and/or client is on the party list.
- To add a party, click on the “Add Party” or “Add Attorney” button and provide the information.
- Click on the “Next.”
Step 6
- To upload your documents, type in the name of the Document Title in the field box. You may search for your Document Title by entering in Keywords. Click on the “Attach File” button and double click on the document to be uploaded.
- Each document is required to be uploaded individually. Please repeat the process as many times as you need until all your documents are uploaded, e.g., Summons, Complaint, Cover Sheet, Proof of Service, etc.
- Checkmark the “Lead Document,” Indicate who filed the documents, and in whose behalf.
- Click “Next.”
- A summary will be generated to provide you the “Estimated Court Fees” based the type of document you select under the Fee Name heading. You will also be required to indicate if you will want Legal- Connect to advance the court fees by clicking on “Yes” or “No.”
Step 7
- If you’ve elected to serve the documents after efiling, the “Serve Info” tab will open. Click on the entity’s name to open the address field.
- Select the Service Level, Address Type and the Address of where you would like LegalConnect to
serve the documents. - Once the address is provided, click on the
to load the address.
Step 8
- Type in any Special Instructions to the Court Clerk (if any) and indicate who needs to be notified regarding this case.
- Click “Next.”
Step 9
- An order number will appear to confirm that the order was placed. You may click on the “Print Confirmation” button to have a record of your order.